One Day - First Aid

Working wonders delivers One day emergency first aid at work qualifications at its Newton Heath facility.

Working wonders delivers One day emergency first aid at work qualifications at its newton heath facility and various other approved locations nationwide. Accidents and injuries in the work place are frightening for all involved. This course, which is approved by the FAA, First Aid Association and OFQUAL regulated is designed to provide knowledge and confidence allowing our candidates to respond appropriately to common work place accidents and allow small business to meet the requirements of the first aid regulations. You might not be required to provide first aid cover but provision for are of the injured must be in place regardless of how small a company might be.

The courses are suitable for all people who might encounter an accident in the work place.
They cover

1. Initial survey of injuries.
2. CPR. Cardiopulmonary resuscitation.
3. Use of Defibrillators.
4. Administer care to those Choking
5. Control external Bleeding
6. Dressing
7. Shock
8. Seizures
9. Burns
10. Procedure for contacting Paramedics.
11. Preventing Injuries worsening
12. Minimise the risk of infection


Working Wonders Ltd,
Wilsons Park Business Centre,
M40 8WN,
United Kingdom

Course Fee


Places Available


Course Length

One Full Day

Upcoming Dates

One Day Course

The course duration is one day. This is a full day so prompt arrival at 8 am is mandatory. The trainer will not hold up a class for later arrivals.