Asbestos Awareness with CSCS

For those looking to work on new or refurbishment sites where Asbestos might be present.

In the year 2000 the use of Asbestos substances was halted in the UK. Since that time those buildings have changed use or been refurbished exposing workers to the asbestos they contain.

Our asbestos awareness course is a 4 hour classroom or zoom based session that leads to a supported on line step by step exercise of multiple questions.

This training and its certification is for those working on or near buildings built on or before the year 2000.

It assists the candidate to not only recognise asbestos if the encounter it but also identify likely places it might be lurking. It also allows contractors to remove small quantities on a none licence basis in a safe and correct manner.


Working Wonders Ltd,
Wilsons Park Business Centre,
M40 8WN,
United Kingdom

Course Fee


Places Available


Course Length

4 Hours

Upcoming Dates

One Day Course

4 Hour Course